What is the difference between a black rat and a brown rat

Whats the difference between a black rat and a brown rat?

The brown rat is a sturdy omnivore, which means it will eat meat and vegetables. It lives mainly outdoors or in the sewer. It doesn’t really care what it eats so it’s easy to catch them with poison. A good example of a poison that works well on brown rats is rodenticide. The poison cannot…

What you need to know about Bald-faced hornets

Bald-faced hornets are not hornets. They are the brother of the paper wasp and are almost identical to them in their behavior and nesting. The bald-faced wasp is a solitary wasp, like the paper wasp but is also much more aggressive. It has a threatening-looking white mark on its face that resembles a skull and…

What is the best way to get rid of rats in your attic?

What is the best way to get rid of rats in your attic?

Rats generally prefer to stay on the ground floor of most buildings but there are the rare occasions when a rat infestation gets into your attic.  It is best to contact  Rat Control Toronto in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home rat-free as soon as possible! If rats get into your attic its…

What are some pest control methods for wasp removal

What are some pest control methods for wasp removal

There are many reasons why people don’t want wasps on their property. They are dangerous, aggressive and they can attack in swarms. They offer little to the ecosystem other than killing off other insects. That being said there are many kinds of wasps, some dangerous, some not, and some you can ignore completely.  The mud…

Natural wasp repellents

Natural wasp repellents

There are all sorts of insects that can sting you, that can crawl on your food and buzz around your head, but none are so hated as the wasp. The wasp’s sting is one of the most painful and they are often aggressive and willing to sting in swarms. They are also willing to chase…

How to tell the difference between bedbugs and lice

How to tell the difference between bedbugs and lice?

while bed bugs and lice and many among the main blood-sucking insects including fleas, mites, and ticks there are some certain characteristics that set the two apart. Lice primarily live on humans or in their clothing, while fleas are frequently found nourishing themselves on people and domestic animals. Bedbugs, which can be found in beds…

How to tell if you have poison ivy or bug bites

How to tell if you have poison ivy or bug bites?

Knowing the difference whether you have been affected by poison ivy or bug bites can help you determine the method of treating the two distinctive issues which can affect your skin in the long or short-term. A clear indicator of bug bites is that they usually occur on exposed skin and they usually happen at…

How to remove wasps from under the deck

How to remove wasps from under the deck

Wasps, especially yellowjackets, often make their nests either underground or at least near to the ground. They prefer places with strong protection and it happens that a low deck is a perfect place for them to make a nest. If the deck is inaccessible then you may have to start pulling up boards to spray…

how to prevent wasps from coming back

How to prevent wasps from coming back

Wasps are a nightmare. You may get lucky and have a paper wasp on your property, they are solitary and make small nests that tend to be non-aggressive unless attacked. You can relocate these wasps at night or easily kill them off with a good spray of insecticide. Wasp traps made of old fruit and…