Infestation of carpenter ants in a tree stump

Infestation of carpenter ants in a tree stump

The most common place for carpenter ants to show up is in old tree stumps. They are often damp and rotting and the wood has weakened. They are also often very large, giving a new colony the space it needs to grow and expand. This situation is not an issue if the stump is in…

Infestation of carpenter ants in a tree stump

How to get rid of carpenter ants near your trees

Does your home have one of those grand old trees in the front yard? A massive overhanging tree with a swing that has been part of your family home for generations. Maybe you have a few trees on your property. Maybe you are a fan of trees and consider yourself an arborist. Maybe those trees…

What Are Some Ways To Repel Rats from Your House?

What Are Some Ways To Repel Rats from Your House?

Rats are a problem throughout all of Canada and many home and business owners frequently wonder if there are any preventative measures you can take to keep rats away. The most obvious answer is human activity itself. Rats do not like people, even though we provide them with all of the essential components they need…

what do baby cockroaches look like

What Do Baby Cockroaches Look Like?

If you see baby cockroaches anywhere in your home, it is a sign that the cockroaches are breeding. Cockroaches make egg sacks, known as ootheca, which often look like a tiny pills. depending on the type of cockroach that has secreted the ootheca it can have various colors, sizes, and shapes. Despite their small size,…

How carpenter ants build nests

How carpenter ants build nests

Carpenter ants are a frustrating infestation to have on your property and in your home. They often start their journey outside of your home in rotting wood on your property like fire wood, an old shed or a stump. That is why it is very important to get rid of any and all wet wood…

How Do Roof Rats Get In Attic

How Do Roof Rats Get In Attic?

When it comes to the notion of rats being able to climb, there is no better answer to look to than the roof rat. This species of rat is infamous throughout history as it is believed that this was the species that frequently boarded ships in the Middle Ages, spreading the Bubonic Plague throughout Europe.…

What do cockroach eggs look like

What do cockroach eggs look like?

Once an adult female cockroach breeds, she will produce an egg sack known as ootheca. Ootheca can contain up to 50 young cockroaches waiting to hatch. Within just three months, those young cockroaches will reach adulthood and create egg sacks of their own. Knowing what ootheca (egg) look like and where to find them will…

Home remedies and carpenter ants, do they really work

Home remedies and carpenter ants, do they really work

Carpenter ants are the single most destructive ant that exists in the North Americas. When they make their nests outdoors they are not much of a threat. They build in stumps and trees and piles of wood and even old wooden sheds. But when they are in your home, say you bring in some of…

Do carpenter ants create many nests

Do carpenter ants create many nests

Carpenter ants are a large black ant that drills through wood to make its nests. If you have a carpenter ant infestation in your home they can almost always be traced back to a source of wet, damp and rotting wood. In this rotting wet wood the carpenter ants find it very easy to build…

Carpenter Ant Exterminators Hamilton

Common myths about carpenter ants

So carpenter ants, like all ants, are a terrible creature to infest your home. They will ruin your food supplies and possibly bring your house falling to the ground if given long enough to chew through it. But what are some common myths about carpenter ants that stop people from getting the right treatment for…