Do carpenter ants create many nests

Do carpenter ants create many nests

Carpenter ants are a large black ant that drills through wood to make its nests. If you have a carpenter ant infestation in your home they can almost always be traced back to a source of wet, damp and rotting wood. In this rotting wet wood the carpenter ants find it very easy to build the tunnels and caverns that form their nest. While it is more of a colony with many, many nests throughout the actual nests are carved out rooms in the soaked wood where they lay their eggs and store food. The queen tends to remain the the central nest of the colony, laying eggs and producing worker ants. 

It is best to contact professional carpenter ant exterminator Hamilton in the Greater Toronto Area to declare your home ant-free as soon as possible!

When the colony outside becomes mature, worker ants will be produced with wings. Males and females will then take flight and mate. The males die after this process, and the females chew off their wings and eat the muscle tissue that made them function and then immediately proceeds to a crack where she can lay her eggs and seal herself off from the world, soon to be queen of her own colony. When the carpenter ants female looks for a new home they will tend to find one is a safe environment and it does not need to be in wet wood, she is happy to build her colony is wood furniture or dry wood 2 by 4’s in the walls. They are in a rush to make this satellite colony and to make sure their worker eggs don’t die before they mature and start building her a nest. 

This happens for every single female that mated in the winged dance. That could be a dozen or more. And they will all find places in your home or on your property to make these new colonies. So yes, carpenter ants make a great deal of new colonies every year and your infestation can get serious faster than you can imagine.