What Are Some Ways To Repel Rats from Your House?

What Are Some Ways To Repel Rats from Your House?

Rats are a problem throughout all of Canada and many home and business owners frequently wonder if there are any preventative measures you can take to keep rats away. The most obvious answer is human activity itself. Rats do not like people, even though we provide them with all of the essential components they need to survive. Rat extermination from professionals in Hamilton is the only true way to eliminate them but knowing what not to do to attract them can be just as important. Most attractants typically start with a residential yard. Rats are attracted to virtually any kind of food source that is typically a component of a yard. This includes bird feed, dog and cat food, garbage in trash cans, as well as an easily accessible collection of water throughout the yard.

This issue is further compounded by homes that are frequently untidy. Food residue that sticks to floors and patios is an open invitation to nearby rats. Once a scent is picked up, the rats will find ways to enter into a home to take advantage of this easily accessible nourishment. Rats also like homes that are cluttered and rarely cleaned as this allows them to feel right at home and easily hide and escape amongst the clutter. Water is also just as attractive as food. Rats need clean water to survive, therefore it is essential to empty all outside water bowls for your pets and bird feeders at dusk. Another attractant for rats is simply the easy access to a home. Cracks and crevices around the exterior of the home make it simple for rats to find ways to excavate themselves to the inside. Attics and crawl spaces are two of the most problematic areas of a home since these spaces allow easy access to the outside world.

Since it is very difficult to completely keep rats away from your home, it may be in your best interest to hire a pest control company to install preventative measures to repel rats from your home. There are very few measures that you can take to completely keep rats away, but professionals possess a wide arsenal of scientifically tested repellants to avert rats from entryways into your home. It is better to have rats roaming around outside than inside of your home. Strong essential oils have been known to repel rats, but this is only hopeful at best. The best way to ensure that rats stay away from your home or business is to make your home or business as unattractive as possible for rats.

Rat repellents may work and there is also a very strong possibility that repellents won’t work. Hiring an exterminator is the best course of action and in the meantime, ensure that your home or business has no entry ways for rats to enter and always keep your home and yard clean and sanitary with as little clutter as possible. Do not let the rats inside.