How to Get Rid of a Rabid Raccoon

How to Get Rid of a Rabid Raccoon

Rabid animals are ones that shows signs of the rabies virus. Albeit rare, rabies is a terrible illness that is 100% fatal once symptoms appear. Victims suffer from fever, paralysis, weakness, confusion, and changes in behaviour until succumbing to the virus. If you suspect that there is a rabid raccoon on your property, notify your…

how to get rid of cockroaches in the dishwasher

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in the Dishwasher

Cockroaches are vile pests that carry disease. Having them in the kitchen is not only a health hazard but a distressing problem. Many people suffer from emotional and psychological distress when they live with cockroaches. These are terrifying bugs that are unfortunately very common. Cockroaches have existed for millions of years, thanks to their hardy…

What Sound Does a Squirrel Make When Mating

What Sound Does a Squirrel Make When Mating?

The squirrel mating season occurs twice a year: once in the spring and once in the summer. You may have noticed that squirrels are quite noisy during this time. They can be heard yelling and clucking after each other while running up and down the trees. While it might not seem like it, squirrels use…

The Best Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs from Clothes

The Best Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs from Clothes

Bed bugs are horrific pests. Unlike every other species, they prefer to infest the most intimate part of the home – your bed. Thus, many infestations cause psychological distress. Lots of people have nightmares or trouble sleeping when they have bed bugs. Even once the bugs have been removed, one may feel stressed out and…

What to do When You Find Mouse Droppings in Kitchen Cabinet

What to do When You Find Mouse Droppings in Kitchen Cabinet

Mouse droppings may be the most common sign of an infestation. Mice produce 50 to 75 droppings per day and leave them everywhere they go. The little critters are constantly eating and pooping. Leaving trails of droppings behind them creates a scent trail that signifies safety. Because mice have very poor eyesight, they prefer to…

Do Bed Bugs Bite Dogs

Do Bed Bugs Bite Dogs?

Bed bugs are little vampires that feed on the blood of humans and animals. The little monsters will infest a dog’s bedding almost just as readily as they would infest a human’s. Bed bugs are unfortunately very common. Globalization and international travel have spread these bugs around the globe. Hotels, laundromats, and anywhere people sit…

Can Bed Bugs Bite Through Clothes

Can Bed Bugs Bite Through Clothes

No, bed bugs cannot bite through clothes even though they seem to be very powerful to do so. Bed bugs simply do not have the strength to cut through fibres of clothing but do have the strength to puncture the epidermis, better known as the skin. Bed bugs are very tiny creatures that are very…

how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets

how to get rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets

The key is to regularly clean your cabinets and to prevent crumbs from dropping. Cockroaches are opportunistic animals that will take any chance of getting food. They will raid everything from bathrooms to kitchens, to garages, and of course cabinets. These critters will follow the food and once they found food they will keep coming…

How to Get Rid of Wasp Nest in Wall

How to Get Rid of Wasp Nest in Wall

Wasps are irritating, frightening pests. As predators, they help to keep other bug populations under control, but wasps are still a nuisance. Unlike bees, which can only sting once, wasps can sting repeatedly without harming themselves. They’re much quicker to sting people, causing discomfort and even allergic reactions. As a result, having a wasp nest…