What do Mouse Droppings Look Like

What do Mouse Droppings Look Like?

Did you know that a house mouse produces somewhere between 40 and 100 droppings per day? Mice are constantly pooping, everywhere they go. They have voracious appetites in which they consume about a third of their weight on a daily basis, which results in lots and lots of poop. Mouse droppings are often the first…

Squirrel Mating Season

Squirrel Mating Season

Did you know that squirrels have two mating seasons? Indeed, these are busy creatures. Whether they are burying nuts, building nests, raising their kits, chasing after each other, or raiding gardens, squirrels always seem like they have work to do. Their two mating seasons are especially hectic periods. The following will describe squirrel behaviour during…

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in My Yard

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in My Yard

Squirrels can be a little problematic. They like to eat from vegetable gardens and dig up bulbs, which is frustrating to most gardeners. They’re also famous for raiding bird feeders, making it more difficult to bird watch. Squirrels are especially frustrating when they decide to nest indoors. Mothers like to nest in attics so they…

Do Squirrels Hibernate in the Winter

Do Squirrels Hibernate in the Winter?

Squirrels are silly, rambunctious animals that are everywhere in Canada. Every day, they can be seen running from one tree to the next, looking for food and causing trouble. Tree squirrels are highly adaptable animals that do well in populated areas. They make the most of the foods we grow and the shelters we provide…

How to Get Rid of Skunks Under Deck

How to Get Rid of Skunks Under Deck

Skunks are cute little animals, but you don’t want them under your deck. Having them on your property increases your chances of getting sprayed and dealing with the smell. Skunks have also been known to dig up flower beds as they look for grubs. If there is a skunk under your deck, don’t worry. There…

Where do Squirrels go in the Winter

Where do Squirrels Go in the Winter?

Squirrels are silly creatures, famous for burying nuts and causing trouble. They’re common all over the world. But where do they go in the winter? Like many other animals, squirrels don’t go anywhere. They have small territories and prefer to stay there for the entirety of their lives. In the winter, they simply take it…

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic

How to Get Rid of Squirrels in the Attic

Squirrels are some of the most common animals out there. With over 289 varieties, squirrels can be found on every continent in the world. In Canada, the grey squirrel and the red squirrel are the most common. Both nest in trees and love to steal from bird feeders. Though they are mostly harmless, squirrels are…

What Does Squirrel Poop Look Like

What Does Squirrel Poop Look Like?

Everybody poops. Many animals are elusive or nocturnal, but they leave droppings behind them. Understanding the appearance of their droppings and where they can be found will determine the species you are dealing with. It can also tell you if there is wildlife in your home. Squirrels are known for getting into attics and other…

Where do Roaches Come From When they enter a house

Where do Roaches Come from When They Enter a House?

Cockroaches are unsightly pests that have been a bother to human beings for thousands of years. These are incredibly tough insects that could probably make it through nuclear fallout. They appear out of nowhere, and cause distress to the residents whose homes they infest. But how do they get there? And how do you keep…

How to Stop an Invasion of Roaches in my Kitchen

How to Stop an Invasion of Roaches in my Kitchen?

Roaches in Hamilton invade kitchens so effective management is paramount since they can bread and spread like wildfire! The steps apply to most buildings and infestations. Inspection: inspection is necessary to gather the information that you can use to decide the best course of action. You need to find out where the roaches are hiding,…