How to Get Rid of a Rabid Raccoon

How to Get Rid of a Rabid Raccoon

Rabid animals are ones that shows signs of the rabies virus. Albeit rare, rabies is a terrible illness that is 100% fatal once symptoms appear. Victims suffer from fever, paralysis, weakness, confusion, and changes in behaviour until succumbing to the virus. If you suspect that there is a rabid raccoon on your property, notify your local police force or municipal animal control department. The animal will be taken away safely. Reporting the case will also help with contact tracing, which will help keep your community safe. For regular raccoon removal and exclusion, give us a call. We provide humane raccoon removal services in Hamilton.

Rabies is often confused with raccoon distemper, the second leading cause of death in raccoons. Symptoms are similar; both rabies and distemper may cause seizures, foaming at the mouth, disorientation, weakness, aggression, and odd behaviours. What helps to differentiate between the two is that distemper often comes with discharge from the eyes and nose as well as glowing green eyes. Nevertheless, if there is a raccoon on your property that appears to be sick, you must notify the authorities right away. Both rabies and distemper are fatal, contagious diseases. Keep your distance from the animal and get help.

Sick or not, raccoons should stay off your property. You can help to keep them away by removing food sources, like bird seed and fallen fruit. Cover your barbecue and keep the yard tidy. You should also switch to garbage bins with tight locks. The harder it is, the better. Raccoons are smart enough to figure out locks and open them with their paws. If you can, get a bin that you can tie down with bungee cords, as well, and store them in a shed until collection day. Raccoons love to live on properties with accessible garbage.

How do professionals get rid of raccoons?

Professionals handle rabid raccoons with snares, then trap them. Healthy raccoons are removed with a one-way door. The one-way door is like a pet door that only swings one way. Professionals install it onto the entrance of the animals’ den, then, when the raccoons want to leave, they simply push their way out the door. Once out, they cannot get back inside. To help prevent the raccoons from making additional openings into the home, professionals may also cover popular entry points, like roof vents. Many businesses offer wildlife exclusion in addition to removal. This keeps animals out for the long-term.

The technicians at Exterminator Hamilton know the risks involved in animal removal. They are thoroughly trained and well equipped to handle any problem. We offer a variety of humane solutions to wildlife problems. We take pride in our holistic and long-term approach. No raccoons are harmed during removals. If you are dealing with a family of raccoons, we will ensure that the mother is safely reunited with her babies. Call us today if you need help getting rid of raccoons. We offer guaranteed raccoon removal services throughout the Hamilton area.