When should you call an exterminator for bed bugs

When should you call an exterminator for bed bugs?

Calling an exterminator when you suspect traces of bed bugs as soon as possible is important. Bed bugs have the ability to spread and lay eggs at a very fast rate that can turn your seemingly annoying encounter into a full-blown infestation. It is important to know that dealing with bed bugs yourself can be…

How common are bedbugs in hotels?

How common are bedbugs in hotels?

It might be something you wouldn’t want to read as your packing right now for your trip to Hawaii, but the likelihood you spot bed bugs vacationing in your room before you might be pretty high. Considering that bed bugs are mostly found at the seams at your mattress. Apart from these insects being metaphorical…

Can bed bug bites be mistaken for pimples or acne?

Can bed bug bites be mistaken for pimples or acne?

Bed bug bites can be the hardest marks to distinguish. It is because they look so similar to other insects that poke and suck the blood out of us such as mosquitoes. The main issue is that bed bug bites may not even be discovered until much later after it happened. This is because, when…

Does washing clothes kill bed bugs?

Does washing clothes kill bed bugs?

It is possible to wash bed bugs out of your clothes. The goal here is not to drown them, but as it turns out bed bugs aren’t very resistant to heat. Most experts agree that washing your bed-bug infested clothes at a constant temperature of at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit and maintaining that same temperature…

Do you need to remove old wasp nests

Do you need to remove old wasp nests

Wasps are an aggressive and dangerous infestation to have on your property. And while many people believe that a dead wasp nest will stay dead, it turns out they are very wrong. The life cycle of wasps like the yellowjacket is the perfect example of a nest brought back to life.  The life cycle of…

Do hornets and wasps die in the winter

There are so many breeds of hornet and wasp and they all have a duality of sorts between each other. The wasp and the hornet can either be a solo insect or it can be a colony insect. It generally depends on the breed of hornet or wasp but some are capable of doing both.…

Carpenter Bee Facts & Control Methods

Carpenter Bee Facts & Control Methods

Carpenter bees are one of the most frustrating insect infestations you can have. The males are not an issue but the females can and will sting. They are aggressive and territorial and they do not like people coming near their nest. Carpenter bees look very much like bumblebees which are a native bee to America.…

how to avoid bed bug bites

How to Avoid Bed Bug Bites?

To avoid bed bug bites is to prevent bed bugs altogether. Dealing with bed bugs can be a very traumatic experience and frankly can be very frustrating. When you wake up with a feeling of being itchy all the time it can bog down your mood for the rest of the day, especially when it…

bed bug exterminator Hamilton

What are The Signs of Bed Bug Bites?

When people first suspect the presence of bed bugs, the signs are not too apparent. Most people, when they wake up from their sleep, either notice bumps and rashes all over their bodies where the skin wasn’t covered. Most people, when they see them, might confuse these markings with simply mosquito bites. The problem with…

Can bedbugs spread through an entire house?

Can bedbugs spread through an entire house?

The obvious place to begin your bed bug inspection in Canada is in your mattress. Wear a pair of gloves and prepare for a thorough inspection; bed bugs can hide in cracks the width of a credit card. Carefully inspect folds, tufts and seams. Check the sheets for blood stains and finally inspect all the…