Where do house mice come from before invading a house?

Where do house mice come from before invading a house?

Mouse Control Hamilton is your one-stop service to rid your property of mice in just a matter of weeks. We have the technicians at your service to provide you with high-quality treatment and proofing solutions so that you won’t ever have to hear a peep again.

Mice are rodents who live outside. They prefer forested areas and tall grass before they make it to your house. One example of this is the Deer mouse who prefers living outside and rarely comes inside. When they do come inside it is to look for shelter as mice are a walking target for many animals including snakes, birds, reptiles, and other mammals that roam the Greater Toronto Area. They often make their nests from various materials such as twigs, leaves, and tree barks, and virtually everything it comes across that seems suitable to keep the warmth in and provides the mouse shelter. Mice are very versatile creatures and can adapt to any situation very quickly. When they do invade a home they can adapt their materials based on what they can find in the home. This can be paper, cardboard, pieces of foam, and everything in between. When you notice bite marks on random items throughout the house, chances are that mice have been scavenging for materials to make their nest. 

Mice are live off a diet of grains, fruits, vegetables, and cereal in nature. They are opportunistic creatures and will eat everything they can find to fill their stomachs. It is important to know that mice do not need much to survive, what can look as just mere crumbs to us, can be a full meal for them. Therefore, it is important that you vacuum the floors and carpets regularly from attracting mice. 

Mice in general are fast breeders and can be sexually active at just a few weeks old. This poses mainly two problems. The rate at which they multiply is not manageable with store-bought products. Traps, repellants, and or sprays that claim to deter mice are expensive and are not lethal enough to be effective against hundreds of mice that have been living and dying inside your walls. People often mistake one mouse for the other. What may be one mouse can in reality be four or five in extreme cases. To fight mice effectively, you might need to hire a professional pest control service such as Exterminator Hamilton. We employ highly skilled licensed technicians that have years of experience in the field. We have the right equipment and formulations to tackle any mouse infestation and can bring the population down to zero in just a few weeks! Contact Exterminator Hamilton. now to find out how you can be mouse-free within weeks!