How to get rid of a yellow jacket nest in your house

How to get rid of a yellow jacket nest in your house

Wasps are aggressive by nature but none so aggressive as the yellow jacket and the hornet. Yellowjackets may make a nest in your home, in the walls of your house. Though they prefer to make nests in the ground. Hornets are more likely to make their nests in trees. 

If you suspect yellow jacket presence, do not hesitate to contact Yellow Jacket Control Hamilton for a complete bed bug eradication.

The yellowjacket is a threatening insect. They attack in swarms if their nest is disturbed. Because they make it underground it is very hard to find and there is a very likely chance that when you find it will be when you are gardening or mowing your lawn. The wasps will attack anyone who even comes near their nest so digging it up or going over it with a lawnmower will send every wasp in the nest into a state of total rage. They will attack everyone nearby and there is no escaping them. Wasps will follow you around corners and avoid obstacles and if you think jumping in a pond is safe they will wait above the water for you to come back up for breath. So if you see wasps on your property you need to drop everything and do an inspection. Or better yet, call in a professional to locate the nest. Technicians from Wasp Control are trained in locating nests quickly and then killing them, removing them, and destroying them in an hour or less. In the spring and early summer wasps generally eat insects. In this way, they are a helpful insect and a benefit to the environment as they kill off annoying and dangerous pests. However, when the summer gets hot they switch to wanting sweet foods like the kind of child eats on the stoop of the house on a hot day. Wasps love sweet foods and will threaten anyone that tries to keep it away from them. Your son’s ice cream cone can turn into a magnet for wasps very quickly. 

Now if the nest is actually inside the walls of your house you will have to call a professional. Interior nests are not something a person without specialized expertise should try. Our technicians have a treatment process for dealing was wasp nests inside the walls of a house and it is highly effective. So if you have a wasp issue, we can get rid of it, no matter where it is located, we can kill it.