Difference Between Wasps and Hornets

Difference Between Wasps and Hornets

Wasps and hornets can be incredibly burdensome pests in Hamilton during the spring and summer months. You may have found yourself wondering if there are any differences between wasps and hornets and the answer is yes, there are differences between the two; many differences actually, and it is quite confusing to keep straight what exactly constitutes a wasp or a hornet. These two insects are sometimes interchangeable as far as recognition is concerned and both species are frequently misidentified.

Wasps are usually many different color variations but are almost always smaller in size than the few identifiable species of hornets within Hamilton. Wasps typically make their nests within the ground, of which the ubiquitous yellow jacket is a member of this classification. Wasps can also make hanging, exterior paper nests as well. It is really just a matter of what type of wasp is in question and what peculiarities in their surrounding location makes them choose between a ground or paper nest. Wasps are also usually not as aggressive as hornets, with the exception of the yellow jacket, which is incredibly aggressive and highly unpredictable.

Another facet indicative of wasps is that their colonies will be much larger than a hornet colony. Wasps can have anywhere from 200 to 5000 active workers within one colony, whereas hornets have a much smaller output. Wasps will typically have a much lower hanging anatomy than a hornet, which can resemble a bee in their taxonomy. Wasps are usually only prone to sting humans if their nests are threatened.

Hornets are a much more solitary and aggressive species than wasps. The most common type of hornet in Hamilton is the bald-faced hornet, although this species is not actually a true hornet, it is a member of the wasp family even though it is commonly recognized as a hornet, due in part to its name. This species is typically responsible for the common cylinder-shaped nest that it creates in the branches of trees.

Hornets will usually have a reddish to orange coloration and are considered to be the most aggressive of both wasps and hornets. No matter which species is in question, both wasps and hornets can be incredibly dangerous to humans. Control measures to eradicate them are precarious and prone to failure due to the rapid nature in which both wasps and hornets will attack humans when threatened. Hiring a pest control professional provides the most efficiency and safety when combatting wasps and hornets.

There are many differences between wasps and hornets. Some hornets are actually wasps and vice versa. Hornets can usually be distinguished from their red and orange colors and similar appearance to bees, while wasps are usually longer in length than hornets. Both species are dangerous to humans, although wasps will usually only attack humans if they are immediately threatened, whereas hornets can attack on a whim for no apparent reason whatsoever. Hiring a pest control Hamilton professional is always the safest way to eliminate both species.