Can Rats Climb Up Walls?

Can Rats Climb Up Walls?

Rats are probably the most feared pest of the rodent family. This is for good reason since rats are harbingers of potentially deadly diseases that can be spread to humans. Many home and business owners frequently wonder how rats are able to get into spaces that could only have been accessible via climbing. To deal with rats, the best way is to hire a pest control professional in Hamilton. Rats are actually very efficient climbers and can even climb up walls, granted they have a surface that is complementary to their feet. Historically speaking, rats were able to climb onto ships, which is what precipitated the Black Death in the medieval era. Therefore, the question of if rats can climb walls is certainly a worthy question, yet the answer is most undoubtedly yes. Most commonly, rats will climb drainage pipes to reach into areas of homes that may be more conducive to an environment, such as an attic. Some homeowners have even reported incidences of rats running up walls to flee.

This is one of the many reasons that pest control professionals are so geared towards safety when it comes to treating rats. The animals can be so unpredictable, and one scratch or bite can possibly inflict rabies. With this in mind, the answer to dealing with this becomes a series of preventative measures that should be undertaken to avoid rat infestations. Rats like cluttered and disorganized areas, which can sometimes only naturally occur in closets or even certain parts of kitchens. Always ensure that kitchen and closets are uniform and absent of as much unnecessary clutter as possible. Clutter is just as much of a rat attractant as exposed food and water; therefore, you will need to regularly clean and organize your home to make the structure less attractive to rats who prefer to hide in clutter.


Make sure that any outdoor foliage is kept neat and trimmed; never allow grass to become overgrown or wild. Always check the piping both indoors and outdoors to check for entry holes created by rats or holes that rats are using to enter the home. Work with a contractor or a pest control professional to have any holes immediately filled. Giving rats any kind of bridge is also going to make climbing much easier for them. When it comes to walls, there is really not much that can be done to prevent rats from climbing the walls. Having a comprehensive pest control plan in place is, of course, the answer.

Rats are very skilled at climbing and can frequently climb great heights. This is only achievable if the surface is conducive to rat terrain, which the rat will instinctively know is possible before the rat ever attempts to mount a surface. Keeping rats from climbing the walls can be difficult and should be left to the devices of a rat exterminator Hamilton professional who would be best equipped to formulate a plan to keep rats from doing this. Rats use their tails for balance; therefore, there is really no way to prevent them from climbing.