What Causes an Infestation of Bed Bugs?

What Causes an Infestation of Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs have a very peculiar and elusive nature that aides in making them such a thoroughly difficult type of pest to get rid of. Consequently, the fact that these insects feed on human blood and depend on it for survival and expansion of their species, this makes their hiding behaviors all the more complex and skillful. When bed bugs find their way into a home through hitchhiking, the bugs then begin to inspect areas of the home that see humans spending the most amount of time for long periods of time. This is almost always the bed, and this is where the bugs get their name from. Bed bugs feed primarily in the early morning hours, specifically between 2 and 6 AM; however, they can venture out to feed at any time if the insects become hungry enough. To deal with bed bugs in particular one might think of hiring professional bed bug exterminator in Hamilton to get the job taken care of.

An infestation gets started when the bugs settle into the crevices of a bed and begin to feed on their hosts at night. Human blood allows the bugs to complete a mating cycle, which then sees a female lay eggs which can produce large amounts of nymphs, who also must immediately feed on blood to survive. This is how a colony gets started and the bugs will simply keep feeding and multiplying and molting until a colony becomes so large, more bugs began to branch out to other areas of the bedroom to harborage in new areas. Once an infestation is underway, the bugs are not as skeptical about human activity, since humans usually haven’t discovered them by this point, hence why they are left alone to multiply at such a rapid rate.

When treatment measures begin after discovery, this is when an infestation can become more erratic and will start to hide deep inside of walls, cracks, crevices, and other pieces of furniture to avoid being detected. This makes bed bug eradication such a difficult process for so many people. The best course of action to take once you realize you have bed bugs is to immediately consult a pest control professional to begin the procedures necessary to successfully eradicate the bugs. Attempting to treat a bed bug infestation on your own is the worst mistake that many people new to bed bugs find themselves making. Wrong attempts at approaching bed bugs are what causes the bugs to scatter around the home, whereas they were previously contained to one or maybe two spots in the entire home. A complicated procedure then becomes a literal maze.

Bed bug infestations are caused by the feeding and mating process of bed bugs, particularly when the bugs are allowed to go about their business undisturbed for long periods of time. Immediately consulting a bed bug specialist is the only course of action that can guarantee elimination. Being diligent about how the bugs continue to infest and expand and how they get into the home in the first place can help to ensure you do not become infested again.